Time is many things. A corridor that surrounds us all, linking every point in time. A sometimes benevolent, sometimes malevolent force. A catalyst for dark feelings and the incubator of wholesome ones.

Time is its own unique force, operating independently from the rest of the world. Sometimes, however, it breaks through into our world causing confusion, horror and panic. When this happens, time must be set back on course, to continue its constant flow. That is where you come in…

Hailing from all over time, far away and long ago, players will create and play as an Operative, a human who gave up their humanity, joining the timeless and becoming interdimensional to take on this immortal task; who arrives in some time and to some place, to investigate these breaks and work to get time back on course. 

Elements of Procedure is a tabletop roleplaying game for 3 to 4 players, with a narrator to guide them along.

Players can create their own Operative or choose 1 of 6 pre generated characters. Each operative uses 2d6 and a series of clocks for each of their Operatives Skills, including:

  • Cut for all things related to the physical, such as moving objects, combat and withstanding attacks.

  • Carat for all things related to the mental, such as recalling historical facts about humans, investigation skills, knowledge of the occult, other phenomena. 

  • Clarity for everything social, such as deceiving, intimidating, charming, and interrogating other people.

  • Color or your special ability, like turning back time, creating copies of people or making weapons out of everyday objects.

Clocks have modifiers within their segments, making your moves more powerful, the more you use them! However, with each use, that segment is filled. If a clock gets completely filled up, the Operative will need to RESET on their next turn, using that time instead to revisit memories from their past with  another Operative.

Introducing Iron, Emerald and Gold. Operatives in an immortal fight against those who disrupt time.


Fifty Fifty


I shall not spare myself in this journey...